среда, 25 октября 2006 г.

Happy Anniversary Honey! P.S. The Goat has Diarrhea.

Happy Anniversary Honey! P.S. The Goat has Diarrhea.

Hilarious story about life on a farm!
We're celebrating our anniversary today, and it's been a wild ride on our little homestead.

I’d like to think that when Kevin was looking for a girl to settle down with, he secretly wished for one that was SUPER into goats and all.

I mean, sure, he was totally impressed by my late adulthood braces and my racquetball playing skills (even though I brought a tennis racket), but I just know he was hoping that one day his lover would want goats. And his life would be complete.

Let’s just start off this story with a disclaimer here that I totally take care of my animals. I buy them all sorts of food and give them water. So, yeah, let’s not have any comments about animal cruelty here. I mean, it’s not like I “gave” my goat diarrhea or anything.

The story begins like this…

A beautiful white goat.
We're celebrating our anniversary today, and it's been a wild ride on our little homestead.

After a false labor (or two), Luna finally gave birth to two totally adorbs twin baby goats. There were no complications, no issues with anything, just disoriented little slimy beings with big floppy ears. We decided on the names Pepper & Piper, and there was happiness on the farm once again, complete with a chicken clucking and a happy little smiley face sun.

Two pictures of adorable baby goats.
We're celebrating our anniversary today, and it's been a wild ride on our little homestead.

You can watch all of our videos of Pepper & Piper here.

The Dirty Details

Everything seemed fine. Luna was taking care of her babies, and we were getting our daily dose of baby goat love. Then, all of the sudden….


(Sorry folks, I tried to make that font bigger. It’s as big as it goes)

Wait, hold on…

Diarrhea in a slimy green font.
We're celebrating our anniversary today, and it's been a wild ride on our little homestead.

There. That should do it.

I want you to close your eyes for a moment.

I want you to imagine something you love. Maybe it’s your favorite blanket, a TV show, or possibly your grandmother. Now imagine it covered in diarrhea. And imagine that the diarrhea doesn’t stop.

FUN FACT: Goats poop constantly even when they are doing regular poops. They’re totally pooping machines, and well, that’s just part of who they are. As a goat owner, you just can’t judge.

Have you ever seen the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?

It was like that.

No, I’m not talking about the chocolate river. No, not the bubble burp ceiling.

I’m talking about the car. You know? The bubbly car that they ride in (even though they were like 10 steps from their destination) and all those bubbles are constantly squirting out, and no matter how much they scream and yell, freaking Willy doesn’t even care, he just keeps pushing the “Squirt ALL the bubbles” button? Remember?

Yep, our goat having diarrhea was JUST. LIKE. THAT.

But worse.

Because it was goat diarrhea. Not bubbles.

And there sure weren’t no chocolate at the end.

Lucky for us, the blessed event happened on our 13th Anniversary.

“Awwww, Luna, you shouldn’t have.”

“No, really. You shouldn’t have.”

Goat diarrhea isn’t a good sign. You see, with animals, it doesn’t take much diarrhea-goin’ before their health starts to really go south. Humans, pshh. They can go diarrhea forever and keep eating Taco Bell again and again and not die (probably). But not goats. No sirree.

So, we halted everything and quickly laid out a plan for what it could be. All goats do actually have a certain level of parasites & worms. It’s just part of what makes them special. Most of the time, their immune systems keep these parasites & worms in check. It’s when they undergo some sort of stressful situation, that the parasites & worms can take over their intestinal tract.

And, that’s pretty much what happened to Luna. We did some vitals, and everything looked good, but she was pretty lethargic and, you know, suffering from a case of the squirts. So we had to go the chemical treatment route and assume she had coccidiosis.

Honestly, I was pretty bummed. We keep our place clean, feed the animals a healthy organic diet, but sometimes, for some reason or another, your goat just isn’t as healthy or was more stressed out than you think. I’m thinking she was more stressed because this was her first time delivering. I mean, I was a basket case when I had my first, so I don’t blame her.

We started her on the medicine and within 24 hours, she was feeling fine and dandy, and the poop was becoming normal again.

But, Kevin & I, we’ll always remember the Anniversary we spent taking care of our goat. Diarrhea and all.

And those memories, well, they’re simply priceless.

Happy Anniversary Honey! P.S. The Goat has Diarrhea. | Weed 'Em and Reap
We're celebrating our anniversary today, and it's been a wild ride on our little homestead.

Original article and pictures take o6txaleu22-flywheel.netdna-ssl.com site

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