вторник, 12 февраля 2013 г.

Meet Lisa

Meet Lisa

Do you ever wonder if a loving, lasting marriage is possible?

If you’ll have a close relationship with your kids when they’re grown up and gone?

If you have what it takes to create an orderly, peaceful home?

Do you wonder?

I believe you can have all these things.

Yes, I believe any Christian woman can enjoy a loving marriage, a strong relationship with her children, and a joy-filled home.

Maybe that doesn’t sound realistic to you. Or sounds like something you long for so deeply and yet feels so far away.

If so, then let me share what others say about their own struggle…and the inspiring and practical help they’ve found here at Club31Women:

I’m busy with three sweet kiddos, pets, and a hubby who works a lot of hard restaurant hours, so I don’t get out a whole lot where I can be around other mamas or ladies like me. So reading what you share really helps me feel NOT ALONE in some of my struggles.

I tend to be really hard on myself but hearing the same issues coming from someone I admire is like a burden lifted off my soul. I always read your posts and emails and I thank Jesus for you today! By you, I am encouraged to keep on doing my best for Him and not live under the constant self- condemnation I’m so prone to. ~ Caroline

I can’t say enough how much your blog has blessed our home over the past few months. I’m daring to look forward to a Christmas – a little less of the pain of discord and dissension that our past 10 years of marriage have held – and honestly, throughout the year as well. We have 2 young boys that I homeschool and I want them to grow up with happy memories. ~ Lisa

I absolutely love your posts. They have become part of my daily reading list (on top of the Bible of course :)).I find that I am always sharing your posts with the women in my life…. I believe that Club31Women really stands for things that every woman can relate to. ~ Nerisha

How about you? Just imagine the blessing of a deeper, sweeter relationship with your husband. Think of the kind and caring relationship you desire for your children. And picture an orderly and joy-filled home where everyone wants to gather.

When you join Club31Women you’ll find the encouragement and practical help you need to enjoy a loving marriage, a close relationship with your kids, and a peaceful, happy home.

Matthew and Lisa Jacobson

From Successful Single to STRUGGLING

Successful and single. That’s how my story started. Traveling around the world. Earning my degrees. Exciting job opportunities.

But then, at 26 years old, I met the man of my dreams and we started our family. I went from being at the top of the world to the bottom of the laundry pile and the experience was devastating. Here I was in the most important job I could ever have – wife and mother – and I had no idea what I doing. I’d never felt so ill-equipped in my life. Why hadn’t anyone prepared me for this role? Why had I been thrown into marriage and family life without a lifeline?

Slowly and painfully, I began to acquire the spiritual perspective and practical skills that I needed to do my job well—not perfectly, but well. What a hard-earned gift! Now after 24 years of marriage and 8 children later, here I am. Ready to share with others so you’ll never have to feel as “on your own” as I did.

Welcome to Club31Women! I’m very glad you’re here.

100 Ways to Love Your Husband

★★★★★ “Great Encouragement! By Caitlin

Are you looking for some practical ideas on what being a godly wife looks like? This book is a great little field manual—short and simple and yet packed full of solid, biblical ideas on how to love and honor your man.

Ready for a simple but powerful boost for your marriage? Take a look at these best-selling 100 Ways to Love books. Read what people are saying about them and how they’ve powerfully impacted – even turned around – marriages everywhere.

Take the 100 Day Love Challenge and transform your marriage! Find out more—> HERE.

Building a Better Marriage

20 Little Things to Make a Big Difference in Your Marriage: A great marriage isn’t necessarily from all the big things you survive together…it’s the little things that make the difference.

5 Ideas for Becoming Best-Friends with Your Husband: Do you ever wish you were closer friends with your husband? Well, you can! Here are some great ways to become best friends with the man you married.

Becoming the Mom You Want to Be

How to Be the Mom Your Strong-Willed Child Needs You to Be: Do you have a strong-willed child? Wonder how you can be the best mom to such a determined kid? Here’s encouraging and helpful advice from a mom who knows!

What Every Daughter Desires to Hear from Her Mom: Do you long for a close and lifelong relationship with your daughter? If only your daughter could tell you what she needs to hear from you – it would probably be this!

A Rite of Passage for Moms with Boys: This is SO important! Such a great approach to raising sons! And I love how she shows that it’s a win-win for both mom and son.

Real Life with Lisa

I watch one of your videos in the morning when I have a little time for me, and I feel like I’m one of your daughters and we are talking while we sip our coffees. It’s a lovely feeling because you look a lot like my mom, so beautiful and kind. You voice is so gentle and calm, and to hear such kind words of encouragements – it’s a blessing to me and to other women for sure.

You make a difference in the life of others and I pray you will continue to share your wisdom with us and bring God closer to our marriages and families. I didn’t have a very good example of marriage when I was a kid, and I promised to myself that mine will be different. ~ Laura

Now that I’ve told you all about me and what happens around here, I’d love to hear about you! You can always drop me a note and share what’s on your heart and mind—>WRITE LISA

I’m so glad to have you at Club31Women where we share a passion for husband, home, and family!

In His grace,


Original article and pictures take club31women.com site

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