Today is the day! Happy Anniversary to Joe and me!!! Today marks 31 years that we have been married. My son and I were talking yesterday and I told him that it was hard to believe how fast the time has flown. He laughed and said, “does it only feel like 5 minutes?” and then before I could say anything he continued with, “underwater!” Lol!!!

I have to admit that there have been those underwater moments and I am sure most of you have had those times too. Thankfully, I can honestly say that those have been few and far between. I thought I was so old when Joe and I got married since I was the ripe old age of 26. Looking back now, I was still such a baby but I thought I knew it all. Joe and I got married in Texas without telling anyone. I flew out on a Friday and I flew back to Tennessee on Sunday. We didn’t even live in the same state, he was in Texas and I was in Tennessee. I am not sure why his father said, “Well, I hope it all works out for you” when Joe called back home and told them. Lol!!! I am pretty sure that a lot of people in town might have lost some bets when they heard the news.

Dang, it has really started to be cold here in the mornings. I am having to bundle up when I go outside and take the dogs to potty. I freeze easily but I hate wearing a coat. I like my arms to be able to move about easily and not feel encumbered. That is one of the reasons that I like a vest. A vest offers warmth but not the added bulk on the arms. This vest was one that I bought at the local boutique in town, Trendy Threads. Gray and red are one of my favorite color combinations. This is a waterfall style vest and anytime that I buy a vest in this style I will try on a smaller size than I normally buy. That helps to cut down on the bulk.

Gray and silver, they are a match made in heaven. The lightweight silver ball earrings are the Mia. They are a simple earring with no bling or flash involved. Lol! I know that everybody doesn’t want showy jewelry so this is perfect for you. I paired them with the Jamie necklace which is silver beads on a gray leather strap. I have really enjoyed this necklace this fall. It is 38″ long and if I want I could easily layer another necklace with it. The matching Maggie bracelet is comprised of the smaller silver beads and I also added the Beautiful Girl Bracelet. This has sold out twice so if you know someone that would like (or need) this, you better get it on order fast.

I love brightly colored handbags but let’s be honest, black will be a color handbag that you can carry at any time. I assume that most of you already own a black purse but if you don’t then it would be a good item to add to your life. If a purse goes with more items then you don’t have to change it out as often. I hate changing purses and I am sure that you do also. I can probably go and pull three purses out of my closet and they all three will have little items that I left in them because I didn’t feel like dealing with the crap.

I wanted to experiment and see if the snake print would be too overwhelming for the plaid print. The rule is supposed to be that you can mix prints as long as the color range is the same. The range is the same but I think it is more than I would want to wear. I love the snakeskin boots but I didn’t like them with this look. So, the black boots were what I wore for the day. It never hurts to try something different and that is why I decided to show you this picture.

I am continuing with my thankful alphabet. Yesterday the answers were “A”wesome. Lol! However, I am changing things up a little today. I am afraid by listing names of some of our loved ones that we might accidentally leave out someone and hurt some feelings. So, from now on we can only be thankful for things or feeling, but not people. Today’s letter is “B.” I am thankful for bread. Lol! I am thankful for my soft warm bed I crawl into at night. I am thankful for every breath I take! There are hundreds of B’s that I am thankful for but I will let you contribute the rest.

One more B word that I am thankful for is “business.” Yesterday I received my R+F payday. With some of the proceeds from this check, I have “adopted” 3 children from the social services angel tree. I try to do this every year but this year it will be so much easier. I will have the funds available to buy for these children as well as the rest of my family from this one paycheck. I am extremely thankful that I was pushed, prodded, and persuaded to give R+F a try. If you need some pushing, prodding, or persuading then I am your gurl. Just be prepared to talk for a while because once you get me started talking about R+F I can’t quit gushing. Lol!
I am really trying to gain readership and subscribers. When I hit 10,000 subscribers then I am going to have a huge celebration with lots of giveaways. Tell your neighbor, your friends, or even your enemies. Lol! Let’s get this ball rolling. To subscribe you simply enter your email address in the box in the upper right corner of the blog. Let me know if you have any problems.
Please be aware that links to vendors may be affiliate links. I do profit from your purchases through the links on the blog.

Original article and pictures take 50isnotold.com site
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